This is the first page with music for Blades of Exile, Exile 3 and Exile
I and II for PC. Macintosh Exile I and Exile II players already have music
in their games. But if they get tried on the music they can find other
songs on this page. The only thing you need to add (midi) music to Exile
3, 2, 1 or Blades is a Midi Player and the Music. It would really surprise
me if you don't have a Midi player installed on your computer. But if you're
sure that's the case, a Midi player for Windows 95 can be found here,
for Windows 3.1 here
and for Macintosh here.
Please tell me if any of these players don't works or you know a better
player for your platform. I know many of the Exile players don't like music
in the game but I do and these players is probably not here. =)